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Sunday 9 October 2011

It's official: Why South Africa failed to qualify for African Nations Cup 2012 as published by CAF

Regarding Group G, Niger, South Africa and Sierra Leone have all finished tied on 9 points each, with Egypt bottom of the group with 5 points. In such a case, when two or more teams are equal on points, article 14 of the competition regulations applies as follows:
In case of equality of points between two or more teams,after all the group matches, the ranking of the teams shall be established according to the following criteria:
14.1 Greater number of points obtained in the matches between the concernedteams;
14.2. Best goal difference in the matches between the concerned teams;
14.3. Greater number of goals scored in the group matches between the concerned teams;
14.4. Greater number of away goals scored in the direct matches between the concerned teams;
14.5. Goal difference in all the group matches;
14.6. Greatest number of goals scored in all the group matches;
14.7. A drawing of lots by the Organising Committee of CAF.
Therefore, in application of rule 14.1 CAF has considered only results of matches between the concerned teams, i.e. Niger, South Africa and Sierra Leone (discounting Egypt as the bottom team with 5 points - hence not concerned anymore), resulting in the following ranking based on 4 matches played by each teams concerned:
- Niger: 6 points
- South Africa : 5 points
- Sierra Leone : 5 points.
Niger is therefore qualified to the final phase.


  1. This is bullshit, fuck CAF and their stupid rules

  2. i not surprise by the latest deveolopmet.south african might the the most lucrative in african but the internal problems within our assosiation leave one with an egg in their can the whole safa leadership fail to visit the rules prior our game against SL.SAFA failed us and they must shoulder the blame and resign with immediate effect ,they are all incompetent.what are they appealing against coz the rules are there to read and understand.finish and klaar
