Don't miss my Neal and Pray column in The New Age.... every Tuesday!

Monday 6 February 2012

Webb of intrigue: Why whistler Howard should decline future Manchester United games. And why he won't.

Depending on your allegiances, Howard Webb is either England’s pre-eminent World Cup final referee or Manchester United’s greatest signing. Those are just two of the printable labels used to describe the 40-year-old former policeman from Rotherham.
On Sunday at Stamford Bridge, those (and there are many of us) who believe he is Sir Alex Ferguson’s greatest ally came loudly to the fore as United, 3-0 down against Chelsea, were given two questionable penalties – both stuck away by Wayne Rooney in the space of 10 minutes – before a Javier Hernandez equaliser forced a dramatic share of the spoils.
But even that wasn’t good enough for Sir Alex. After the match, he claimed: “We could have had four penalties. How they didn’t give one in the first half I don’t know. That linesman (the previously anonymous Darren Cann)... I don’t know where they get them from.
“They should've had a man sent off in the first half. Danny's clear through and he was brought down. Nothing, no decision.
"That linesman gave a penalty kick against us from 40 yards away last year against Liverpool, this year against Arsenal - and he can't see that?
"I don't blame Howard Webb - he needed help in that situation and he didn't get it.”
And in a couple of phrases that would land most other Premier League managers in hot water, he added for good measure: "That assistant referee, who's all too happy to flag at Old Trafford for penalty kicks, didn't give them."
And that, in a nutshell, is Mr Webb’s problem. It’s not that anybody is suggesting he gets paid by United to give penalties – they’ve had eight this season so far – it’s just that he appears to be the referee most susceptible to Fergie’s particular Strathclyde dockworker style of persuasion.
At 70, Ferguson has been putting pressure on referees since he gave up his role as an “effective striker with a lot of elbows” to coach St Mirren in 1974. When he went to Aberdeen in 1978 and trophies began to come his way, I remember Gordon Strachan telling us how the young coach used to tell his players to surround referees if they’d made a clearly difficult decision against his side.
There was one particular scene, involving Roy Keane and David Beckham, with referee Andy D’Urso in 2000 I will never forget. The poor ref looked like he was going to have a heart attack. A vein in Keane’s temple was throbbing. D’Urso had nowhere to go. And all because he’d awarded a penalty against United at Old Trafford. He didn’t get many United games after that.
And those intimidatory tactics have worked wonders ever since. That’s nearly 40 years of bullying. Players, referees, journalists, even the FA and the Glazer family who now squeeze the cash out of United. They all get it. In spades.
On Sunday, when Gary Cahill escaped punishment for that sliding challenge on Danny Welbeck a yard outside the box in the first half, the expression on Ferguson’s florid face wasn’t so much anger as bewilderment. His striker had been sent tumbling and NOTHING HAD BEEN GIVEN. He could barely believe it.
It is my firm belief that Sir Alex, now beyond the realms of usual managerial behaviour in the Premier League after 25 years in charge at Old Trafford, made his feelings evident to Webb and his fellow officials at half-time. He’s bigger than the game now. He does what he wants.
And when we came out for the second half, the ever-willing Mr Webb was eager to make amends. To fall out with Sir Alex is not good for a referee. Sir Alex, more than any other top coach, gets to tell the FA who he wants in charge of his matches. If you fall out with United, your stock as a public figures soon declines. Blowing the whistle at West Brom v Wigan on a wet Wednesday night simply doesn’t cut it.
So what happens? Chelsea go 3-0 up five minutes after the break. A miracle given they are without the three musketeers of Frank Lampard, John Terry and Ashley Cole. Stunning. All footballing logic turned on its head. Chelsea are cruising, United are well beaten.
It takes Mr Webb just eight minutes to restore normality. First, in the 58th minute, marauding French fullback Patrice Evra goes flying in to the box. Unlikely to get his cross in, he steps across Daniel Sturridge’s tackle just as the striker goes in. Watch the video. Ignore the pundits like Alan Curbishley who suggest it was “clear contact, a definite penalty”. If Evra hadn’t moved across the challenge, Sturridge would have made a faultless tackle.
But Webb was ready, just waiting for the tumble. PENALTY! Chelsea’s defenders barely complained. They were three goals up. Rooney stuck it away. But still 3-1.
But ten minutes later, it got worse. A lot worse. Just like Adam Johnson for Manchester City the day before, Welbeck did the “dangly leg” thing, the latest fashion for Premier League cheats. On the edge of the box, Branislav Ivanovic stuck out a despairing foot to make a challenge. With Welbeck no threat from that position, Ivanovic quickly pulled back the offending limb. But not quick enough to avoid Welbeck – he actually moved his leg away from the path of the ball to ensure Ivanovic made contact, and tumbled theatrically to the floor. PENALTY!
From then on, with Chelsea heads down, it was just a matter of time before, in the 84th minute, the little Mexican pea Hernandez produced his equaliser. The only surprise was that United didn’t go on to win it. Chelsea were gone. Andre Villas Boas had learned another valuable English lesson.
I guess you can say one thing for Webb in this instance. At least he made a game of it. No, I’m not saying he intentionally cheated. Just that he was eager to keep the old tyrant happy on the side as he waved his hands around and informed Webb just how much injury time to allow.
Graham Poll, the thing from Tring who fulfilled the high-profile refereeing role before Webb, was another who recognised the need to keep Fergie happy. He now writes a column for the Daily Mail and is a well-rewarded after-dinner speaker, neatly forgetting the time he handed three yellow cards to a Croatian at the 2006 World Cup.
Webb is rapidly falling in to the same traps Poll did. He revels in being the centre of attention, he loves the banter with the players, being a name. But is it any wonder?
As an 18-year-old he started refereeing in the North East Counties League on the advice of his father. As far as I can tell he never played any serious football, few of the modern whistlers do. Long gone are the days when ex-players used to take up officiating. Most start in their teens now as the FIFA retirement age is a ridiculously young 45.
At 38 Webb hit the peak of his art, refereeing Spain’s World Cup final win over Holland at Soccer City in 2010 where he handed out a record 14 yellow cards (one of them became a red for Johnny Heitinga, the previous highest for a final was six) and failed to send off Nigel De Jong for a perfectly placed kung-fu kick on the chest of Xavi Alonso. For once both sides were furious after the game. But Webb survived the furore and has another six years of whistling while he works ahead of him.
Now Webb finds himself being dragged further in to, well, a web of intrigue if you like. Long before any United match has kicked off with him in charge, Webb is widely tweeted as being United’s 12th man, their best signing, the one with most assists for the champions. It puts him under huge pressure.
For as long as Sir Alex Ferguson is in charge at United – and it looks like being at least another two years – Webb will be under the spotlight when he handles a United game.
There is one easy way out. He could decline to referee United’s crucial games. Do the honourable thing and admit it’s all become a bit complicated. But he won’t. That would be too great a sacrifice for a man who relishes the limelight.
So for now, we must accept that Webb will be in charge next time United face a serious challenge. And my advice to defenders? Don’t go near Welbeck’s dangling leg in the box. Or Rooney’s new hair. Or Ryan Giggs’ veteran ankles. Webb will be waiting.

Abuse below is due to this post being linked to Chelsea website. Chelsea fans claim it isn't them, but nearly half of the hits come from their "The Shed" chat forum. I have tracked down IP addresses of the major culprits... just two. One masquerading as somebody else on Twitter in South Africa, a journalist with a grudge. The other unknown in Britain pretending to be a gang from the north. Sorry. Have cut the worst of it out, but leaving the rest. Police are aware of IP addresses and promise action.
Read also:


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. don't complain about Webb, blame the defenders - do not stick out a leg unless you are COMPLETELY sure that you'll make contact with the ball. If you don't stick the leg out, the attacker has nothing to fall over.

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  8. heir com my cock ... open wide neal

  9. Guess I must have hit a nerve with United fans. Read it. Makes sense. You know it's true. Just have a look at twitter and facebook before Webb referees a United game. Been going on for years. Thanks for the constructive critique though.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I don't support United (or Chelsea) ... but I think Webb is getting an unjustified slating. The first penalty was nailed on, and the second at normal speed, looked solid as well. Only in slo-mo that you could clearly see that Welbeck went looking for the leg.

    Agree with ' muthubashunipolo', don't stick out a leg unless u guaranteed to get the ball, otherwise you simply giving the attacker some to fall over.

  12. Apparently Rob Moore once told Neal to fuck off ... wonder if he would mind doing the same now

  13. Neal gives football analysis as if he played 10 years top flight football

  14. Don't accuse someone of being biased in their work, if you have ANY evidence whatsoever that Webb is corrupt, then make it known. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and only open your mouth went u wanted to be fucked.

    Why does he always seem to give penalties to United? Maybe its due to the fact that he gets the big games and its in these games that decisions are more scrutinized.

  15. I never thought much of Roy Hodgson and hate him for fucking Liverpool up.
    But, thank god he never encouraged Neal to pursue a career in football.

    Imagine, Neal playing football .........
    'Mr Ref, Mr Ref .. that boy touched me'
    'Mr Ref, Mr Ref .. thats a free kick'
    'Mr Ref, Mr Ref .. he stroked my balls'
    'Mr Ref, Mr Ref .. wheres my penalty'
    wee ... wee ... weee **** tears ****
    'Mr Ref, Mr Ref .. WHERES MY PENALTY'
    **** more tears ****
    'Mr Ref, i'm not going to play anymore till i get a penalty'
    ** sob ** **sob**

  16. Strangely, Liverpoolfan, that's exactly what I was like as a very average amateur player.

  17. whats your waar if people are remaining anonymous?
    like u will do something if you know our names?

  18. My name is Marcus and I commented "arsewipe collins".
    Happy now, bitch?

  19. lol ... so agree with liverpoolfan.
    Neal's favourite part of a football match, was in the showers afterwards.

  20. Well articulated Neal. You've just laid plain for everyone to see - other than the blindly loyal MUFC "fans" - what most who watch the EPL have been saying for years. It's a simple case of Fergie being allowed to intimidate and cajole his way into the refs favour through various unchecked rants, raves and other such pious behaviour. I, for one, can't wait to see the back of the old curmudgeon.

  21. lets stick to football and not attack Neal, we all entitled to our own opinions so he is making known his view on the issue some may agree and some may not, and as a united fan i have admitted we get more calls in our favor than when he is not in charge of our games, he has built this reputation as uniteds 12th man this is nothing new and yes he makes mistakes Mr webb but so does everyone and will continue to do so sometimes it will be against united and sometimes it will be for united so lets just focus on the soccer and not the ref because it was still a good advertisement for football,if the F.A deem him not fit to call games then they will make a decision

    follow on twitter - thapelo_sa

  22. Hello Marcus

    Hope you are well.

    I'm Andre.
    I posted "fuck off .. twitter cry baby".

    I'm not sure why Neal wants to know our names, maybe whens he's lonely and needs a cock to suck, he'll ring us up.


  23. hello Micheal, good to see you put on your big boy pants and decided to join the conversation ... now kindly fuck off

  24. thapelo thapelo thapelo thapelo thapelo

  25. Webb! He did it once again in the glaring light of world TV coverage! He shook like a preening peacock and damned the common sense by truly showing his class as a man! He is useless and a typical dodgy cop! You know, the type that gives you a ticket whilst smiling and winding you up further with his falsity and gurning desire and tears of pain just bristling from his eyes in his happiness to commit revenge, for some hidden childhood mishap! A man who sees hope in the figure of Fergy, perhaps a fathering to stroke his wet, weeping head!
    One first class Cheat!

  26. Well said Neal. Everyone knows Webb is as bent as they come.

  27. Muthubashunipolo, sticking out a leg is not a crime. All defenders do it. It's the new penchant for changing course to try to make contact with that leg which is creating the controversy. Good refs should see it. And book the cheats.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Its ridiculous, how you are hiding behind 'profanity and anonymity'. I don't usually agree with Neal's tyrants. I'm a Liverpool supporter he abuses me every chance he gets especially regarding a certain Uruguayan, but I'd address the issue and not swear at him because I don't agree.

    You lot need to grow up, or just shut up if you don't know how to construct an argument without labeling writers with such pretty names.

  30. Neal .. i never said it was wrong for them to do that.
    Its just that they should know that with incompetant refs, they are simply asking for trouble.

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. Lol ... i see Neal got a lady to fight his battles

    - NEAL'S MUM

  34. Kate, I'd never abuse you! Only having a go at Liverpool and newspapers who think cycling is a sport for the masses!
    As for the abusive? Pathetic little runts. Love to have met them on the field in my playing days!

  35. @neals mum

    do u still breast feed him?

  36. All the whiney bitch Man Utd 'fans' riding Webb's cock. What a surprise. LMAO.

  37. and what would have done to us in your playing days, might i ask?

  38. "All the whiney bitch Man Utd 'fans' riding Webb's cock. What a surprise"
    -- just like how your mum rides mine

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. @neal

    Lol ... i got nothing to say on this matter.
    But i'm sure this is the most comments you got on any article here.

  41. Solid article Neal.

    A touch more 'considered' than some of the comments I made from the couch last night.

    And a strangely disconcerting, if oddly entertaining, range of comments.


  43. Sorry, that should be DAVE SAID...

  44. To the comedian pretending to be my mum. She died in 2007. Thanks. Twat. There are some seriously nasty people out there... hope sane United fans read this and understand why a successful club can be so unpopular.

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. One other article got comments like this. The truth about Peter Roebuck. And I was right then too.

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. anyone here from Manchester?......nah, didn't thinks so.

  49. Neal is like this just because Peter Roebuck never want to fuck him.

  50. "anyone here from Manchester?......nah, didn't thinks so."

    Actually i'm from Manchester.

  51. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. For fuck sake's, I never know your mum passed away.
    I said sorry. You never have to go and blast it on twitter.

    (I ain't on twitter .. my mate is giving me your updates)

  53. I just love how the anonymous posters find such bravery in anonymity. And the irony of their insults are probably lost on them too. If someone would like to meet after work to talk face-to-face. I'm ready and willing to oblige.

  54. Neal, what a pack of bullshit.
    Come to Salford and step to us.

  55. @Michael

    I'll be waiting.
    The Estuaries, Century City, Cape Town.

    I'll send you back in a fucking body bag.

  56. Neal, you seem to have touched a nerve.
    This has been the best break time at work this year.

  57. Anyone here even from the UK?......very unlikely. LOL

  58. Neal, you know what they say "Charity begins at home" if people can swear at someone they don't know personally imagine what they do to those they know from birth!!It's in their nature...

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Some of these comments are done right disgusting.
    Whether you support United or not is irrelevant.
    No man should be attacked in such a viscous way for simply airing his views.
    We live in a democratic society .. if you do not like what neal says, then please go and read another blog/site.

  61. "Anyone here even from the UK?......very unlikely. LOL"

    We are from the UK.
    Post #1, 4, 5 and mine.

    Don't worry we know Neal well.

  62. Monde, Michael, Kate and others, great to have a touch of sanity. This piece has been picked up by hence the abuse. Wonder what else they do to entertain themselves?

  63. haha utd fans as classy as ever, Half of you cant even spell! thick mancs! Neal you are spot on and when fergie retires utd will be in trouble as the games amy be called down the middle!

  64. errr, cycling not a sport for the masses? I think 35 000 people riding around Cape Town in a couple of weeks time may challenge that a little (more than watch most soccer and cricket and a few rugby matches in this country) ... and P&P Argus is not even the biggest event in SA! It is currently the highest participation sport in SA. As for United, well I guess they must have won all their league titles because all the refs are crap ...

  65. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  66. why did it type amy when i typed down? games will be called down the middle! Amy?! WTF

  67. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  68. Lol .. i'm a Manc .. why would the fucking Chelski boys bother with this.

  69. Chelsea fans? How dare you class me as one of 'them'


    GO and wash the fucking dishes babe ... let the big boys have some fun

  71. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  72. To be honest .. when i've seen this kind of thing on other journos's blogs, they simply disable comments.
    Beats me as to y Neal likes this. Motivation?

  73. Webb is killing the game in England

  74. Come on Neal .. i need to go back to work ... give as a parting shot

  75. Has anyone considered that, rather than taking his "cues" from Ferguson or United, Howard Webb gets his salary straight from the city of Manchester? I have a pretty fresh memory of some interesting decisions in the last couple of Citeh games he handled... Just a thought.

    Some classy comments on here, wow. Warms the cockles of my broken heart right down to the ribcage to know these intellectuals "support" the same team I do.

  76. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  77. Come on Neal .. how about an encore for the boys .. remember even if u disable comments, we'll still get u on twitter.

  78. I bet even Robert Marawa thinks Neal is a cunt

  79. This is Roebuck all over again -- one sided bullshit
    How about mentioning Webb's stats that don't involve United

  80. Don't bring Roebuck into this ... Neil might just get aroused

  81. Yoh!... Speechless... Parental Guidence is Advised here... Neal I love your boldness and is something I have adimired since ever since I started knowing you!...

  82. That Micheal guy seems to have gone quite .. once challenged

  83. WHat an honest article..... Well written and in my opinion, SPOT ON!

  84. Like I said .. bring these guys to Salford and we'll fucking take them on. Bet u that Micheal and Neal are tossers ... we won't even break a sweat taking them on.

  85. LOL .. i'm going to print this out and wipe my arse with it later

  86. Neal, please close down the comments. This is getting out of hand!

  87. Is Rob Moore on Twitter? Does he have a blog?

    Someone should get a hold of him.
    One phone call from Rob will put Neal in his place.

  88. Lol .. Neal is tweeting about cricket .. seems to have chased him of his own blog.

  89. Don't know about you guys, but i'd sure love kate to come back.

  90. "LOL .. i'm going to print this out and wipe my arse with it later"

    Doing the same, mate.

    Shout out to any Cheetham members.

  91. My, my, what erudite creatures you all are. Is this typical soccer-fan vocabulary? Common, the lot of you. Cleary poorly educated - not even able to argue an opinion lucidly. You keep doing what you do, Neal! Excellent stuff - at least you stir some debate!

  92. FUCK OFF - anon 6 February 2012 13:01

  93. "Cleary poorly educated"

    Fuck u .. dyke cunt.

    One phone call and i'll have your body dumped in Huyton.

  94. I mean FUCK OFF to the anon who said called us erudite creatures

  95. Pity, anonymous, do you know what erudite means. Anon at 13:03, bring it on. Couldn't if you tried. Little man.

  96. Meet me Huyton station ... 17:00.
    I'll be wearing a blue jacket and black beanie .. i got a scar on my left cheek.

    Be there .. fucking wanker.

  97. I'll be there at Huyton as well. around the news stand.
    black pants and hoody. just shout for ricky.

    lets fuck this tosser up.

  98. Whoopeee dooo Huyton-ites. Will you be done collecting your benefits by 17:00? Can't wait.

  99. Sorry, been away. Perusing latest responses. Ignoring the obviously ignorant, thanks. As for the Huyton lads, you wouldn't last 10 minutes in downtown Johannesburg you hopeless little twats. The idea of a pair of jumped up little louts on the dole putting the frighteners on me is just laughable. ou haven't lived until you've seen Africa.

  100. Fact is that opinions will differ depending on the team you supporting. Opposition team fans will be the first to point out the mistakes. They will scream "that’s not a penalty" but won’t scream "that’s supposed to be a penalty". This is the game of football. Fact is that decisions don’t always goes the way we want it to because referee's are human and with that comes the margin of error (maybe television replay can assist). Now we all as supporters can go back into history and write down every decision that went against "us", we would be writing a never ending story. Clearly in yesterday’s match Howard Webb didn’t come out the most confident referee and lack of confidence certainly means errors. Errors against both Man United and Chelsea.One fact is certain Man United don’t hold 19 league titles because of Howard Webb.

  101. May also be worth reading my earlier take on Webb

  102. I shall Neal. Dont town Johannesburg is not that bad!

  103. Exotica Flower? It's a lot nicer than Huyton!

  104. Ive never been to Huyton so cant comment. But am sitting in downtown Johannesburg right now and is an amazing view!

  105. I can't believe this. Sorry Neal.I know many a Manchester United fanatick,that irratate me to no end! But this... naaa bra it's just not cricket.

    Tomorrow is anotherday I guess. "Let's gO!!"

    Go Well.

  106. Neil .. u fucking arsewipe .. we were exported from africa to huyton

  107. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  108. "10 minutes in downtown Johannesburg you hopeless little twats"
    Jozi export here .. fuck you Neal .. ask your wife how many pieces she wants u back in. We do same day delivery

  109. If u horny and u know it
    call Neal Collins
    If u horny and u know it
    call Neal Collins
    If u horny and u know it
    And u really want to show it
    Bend him over and
    fuck Neal Collins in his arse

  110. Knew that there were a few school snow days today but have all your consoles broken down too?

    With language like this coming from the stands is it any wonder that JT is in the dock on a racism charge?

    Disgusting. The lot of you.

  111. Does anyone else see the irony here?
    Huyton is in Liverpool.
    Why are they getting so worked up over what Mr Collins is saying about Howard Webb?
    I thought they might side with him

  112. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  113. Mr Collins, I think it is time to consider closing the comments to this article.

  114. Its really sad to see that people cannot hold a decent debate. I have always maintained and still do with knowledge comes the ability to win anything in life with your dignity attached. It takes time, lots of hard work, research and certainly does not involve vulgarity.

  115. Dear Vulgarians,

    You have, sadly, reinforced my views that the Brits are simply soccer hooligans. Nothing more.

  116. Dear Esteemed Individual

    Don't hate on the Brits.
    Some of us 'Vulgarians' are South Africans.

    Your New Dad

  117. "Dear Vulgarians,

    You have, sadly, reinforced my views that the Brits are simply soccer hooligans. Nothing more."

    You classing us just as we are classing Neal.

  118. @formerlynealsmum
    "Sorry Neal, i didn't know see passed on. Apologies.
    It doesn't change the fact that you're a cunt, though."

    Epic Comment -> apology and insult wrapped in one.
    I'd rather watch my dog take a shit than watch Neal on eTV.

  119. Wait wait wait .. do u actually mean that they allow Neal on TV?
    Does he have a show or something? What does he talk about?
    Any streams for eTv?

  120. fuck you Mbikisha ... come dig my shit

  121. I see this Kate bitch is fiesty .. wonder if she would enjoy a good pumping?

    come on Kate .... show the boys them tits.

  122. the simple truth is that you can't turn a cunt into a journalist.

  123. Why should we respect you, Neal?
    Why should we respect your mother?
    Tell us.

    Remember your 'respect' to Peter Roebuck .. everything you wrote after he passed on.
    Did you bother to respect his legacy? You couldn't even wait till he was burried, could you?

    Regardless of whether the allegations against him are true or not, How do you think his family felt at the time?
    He was a son, he was a brother, he was a 'father', he was a friend.

    So don't come here and try to take the high line against people attacking you or your family.
    You reap what you sow, Neal.

  124. "Anonymous said...

    the simple truth is that you can't turn a cunt into a journalist."

    So what was your chosen career path instead, Anon?

  125. Neil you idiot! I was the one who posted this on the Chelsea chat site. Did you read the responses? Everyone clearly agreed with you. Do you think ANY Chelsea fan existing likes Webb? Sorry to say but its quite unintelligent of you to imagine that Chelsea fans would be the ones abusing you. Highly disappointed in that.

  126. @Barrett
    Don't take it personally .. Neal is an asshole

  127. Lol dude ... this abuse has nothing to do with that Chelsea link.

  128. Newcastle fan here.
    Terrible article. Can't believe any self respecting journo could conjure up such bollocks.

    Don't know why you having a go at the Chelsea fans, I got mailed this link by some United mates.

    BTW .. my mate says that he remembers a Neal Collins at the Daily Mail. Wonder if its the same one.

  129. Lol ... its seems we succeeded in getting Rob Moore to nail Neal.

  130. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  131. Police informed of death threats/rape threats above and have IP addresses from service provider. One perpetrator in UK unknown, posing as several, one in SA, though hits came mostly from Chelsea's The Shed, messages didn't. Apologies, looked that way until investigated. I'll provide names when available.

  132. Look at this if you think Neal is bullshitting. From the Daily Mail UK in 2009 :

    With Manchester United again looking formidable favourites for the Premier League title, the injustice of the penalty awarded against Spurs goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes may soon be forgotten at Old Trafford.
    But Howard Webb’s bizarre decision to point to the spot, when Gomes had clearly managed to palm the ball away from Michael Carrick, is just the latest infamous decision to go the Reds’ way on their home turf.
    Most notably there was an incredible 10 year run – from December 1993 to April 2004 – when not a single penalty was scored against United in a Premier League match at Old Trafford.
    Ruel Fox remained the most recent scorer, for Norwich City in 1993, until Danny Murphy netted for Liverpool in 2004. Juninho, David Dunn and Muzzy Izzet were the only players to miss.
    In the meantime – and since – there have been plenty of curious, unlikely and just plain dubious penalty decisions taken by referees in the Theatre of Dreams. Here, we pick 10 of the worst of them.

    Read more:

  133. For those Man United hypocrites even a single Man United fan saying those were debatable penalties and would be fucking mad if given against them justifies the feeling of most of us that Man United unfairly got those favourable decisions...and there are actually more than a few! Very few referees give a second penalty unless it is so clear cut especially so soon after the first whatever you want into these!

  134. Some sad lonely keyboard warriors on here. Neal's job is to basically cause controversy; the more he gets talked about the more people post links etc the more he will be in demand by radio, tv etc. It's not personal, or even a deeply held belief by Neal, it is merely a contrary position to ensure his own self promotion in the cutthroat world of freelance sports journalism.

  135. Webb must have been shocked that his fav Man United was trailing by 3 goals and felt unnerved at the prospect of being in the firing line of the old man. After all the old man did say at the end they deserved 4 penalties! so his consternation was maybe justified.

  136. How come so many guys sign themselves as anonymous? If someone's ashamed to put his own name, block his comment.

  137. Someday, when this sport comes into the 21st Century, or even the 20th Century, it will start using VIDEO REPLAY and all of this will not take place. A Replay of criticial game deciding moments would have clearly shown the diving and the player hooking the other's legs and then diving and people would concentrate on watching the game and on the good moments by the players and not on what Howard Webb and Tom Obrevo and others incompetents refs. will do next.

    Let us take a page out of the Yanks books. The Yanks let their politicians be as corrupt as possible but when it comes to their kind of American Football and the SuperBowl and other big games, there is never anymore concerns about what the referees did to damage the result and award trophies ... because a replay makes sure they do it right and they get corrected.

    Almost every game is decided by bad refereeing and the trophies are decided by refereeing bad moments. And if you are a certain type of brand, you get most of the calls in your favor. Barca, Real, Man United, and in the case of United, you have a Knighted Villain that takes advantage of his "ROYAL" position to ridicule and threaten referees in the media, calling them out of shape, fat, incompetent and anything he wants and the referees do not want to be subjected to that so they give him the benefit of every doubtful play. Webb dismantled the Spurs a couple or 3 years ago when United was being trashed by the Spurs in the first half. When they came out on the second half, after Ferguson pulled his ears, Webb went to work and that was the end of the Spurs and that was the end of Liverpool aspirations to the title which after that game was no more.

    TOO MANY REFEREEING THINGS HAPPEN IN FAVOR OF LORD FERG. and then there is that time keeper which runs the stoppage time until United ties or wins.

  139. sir, if this article wasn't so biased I would actually maybe look into the point you were trying to make. But you have ignored the fact that Utd had decisions go against them in the 1st half that would have changed the game completely. Gary Cahill was very lucky not to be sent off in the 1st half but you have chosen to not go into detail about that admit that it was a decision for Chelsea. You have only concentrated on Utd's favourable calls & not Chelsea. Thats where the article loses credibility in my humble opinion. But this is just my opinion sir

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